Pemikiran Filsafah Ibnu Sina
thought, Ibn Sina, Philosophy, Implementation, ValuesAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to find out the biographical background, life, and thoughts of Ibn Sina about education, then to find the relevance of Ibn Sina's educational thought to Islamic education in this modern era. The method used in the preparation of this paper is the literature method. Researchers collected data sources through text literature, both books, journals, and articles related to the discussion of some of these subchapters. The results showed Ibn Sina as a philosopher, medical expert as well as education. Ibn Sina has ideas and thoughts related to educating children, which among others explain to us that he is very concerned about children's moral education. Ibn Sina's thoughts on education are structured from the objectives, curriculum, learning methods and teachers or educators are factors of the determinant elements in education. Therefore, the thought of Ibn Sina can be used as an important reference in advancing the world of education.
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