Author Guidlines


1. The Eduprof Journal is a scientific publication of research recommendations in the field of Islamic Education Management. published periodically twice a year namely March and September.

2. The manuscript is written in English / Indonesian with a maximum of 20 double-spaced quarto pages, plus Indonesian and English abstracts (no more than 200 words) and key words in the same language.
Write a quote with a body note that contains the author's last name and page and is written in parentheses.
One Author: (Muhammadun, 2000: 12)
More than one author: (Farhan, et al, 1998: 25)

3. Write a bibliography using the model: Last Name, First Name (no title). Issuance Year. Book Title (italic). City: Publisher.
Nata, Abuddin. 2015. Akhlak Tasawuf, Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo

5. A brief biographical data of the author is listed under Title / Before writing ABSTRACT, on the first page of the manuscript. And also includes job affiliation and author's email as a correspondence with the Journal Editorial Team.

6. The manuscript is sent in softcopy in Microsoft Word in RTF format using the Times New Roman font, font 12.

7. Research articles include: (1) Title, (2) Author's name (without title), work affiliation and email address, (3) Abstract (in English or Indonesian), (4) Keywords (in English or Indonesian)) , (5) Introduction (without subtitles, including background problems, and a little literature review and research objectives), (6) Research Methodology, (7) Research and Discussion Results, (8) Conclusions and Suggestions, (9) Bibliography ( only includes references mentioned in the article).

8. Conceptual articles include: (1) Title, (2) Author's name (without title), work affiliation and e-mail address, (3) Abstract (in English or Indonesian), (4) Keywords (in language) English or Indonesian), (5) Introduction (without subtitles), (6) Text (as needed), (7) Closing, (8) Bibliography (only contains references referenced in the article).

9. Softcopy manuscripts are sent no later than 1 month before publication, by sending through the address of the journalhadlonah or sent by email: Email: [email protected]

10. After sending the article, it is expected to confirm with the editorial team at contact number: can be seen at this link