Teacher Communication Competence in Teaching Through Online Process at Satria Jakarta Vocational School, 2021/2022 Academic Year

  • Indra Mulya Pratama Master of Communication Science, Faculty of Communication Science, Mercu Buana Meruya University, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Santa Lorita Simamora Master of Communication Science, Faculty of Communication Science, Mercu Buana Meruya University, Jakarta, Indonesia


Teaching and learning activities through the online process are one of the new challenges for teachers where teachers teach not face-to-face and take advantage of the existing internet network. The background in this study is that the teacher's ability to operate digital devices is still minimal, the teaching material presented is difficult for students to understand and the teacher's communication competence is required to be more communicative. This study aims to describe and analyze teacher communication competencies in teaching through online processes during the 2021/2022 school year at the Satria Jakarta Vocational High School. The theory used in this study is the theory of gestalt learning and the theory of Social Construction of Technology. The paradigm used in this study is the constructivist paradigm. The research method used by the author is a case study. This type of case study method is an intrinsic case study, where the author wants a better understanding of the case to be studied. The results of this study are that the pedagogical competence of teachers at the Satria Jakarta Vocational High School is able to manage online learning for students. In addition, in personality competence, teachers at the Satria Jakarta Vocational High School have personality competencies that can be role models in communication. In social competence, teachers at the Satria Jakarta Vocational High School have social skills which are one of the competencies in the teacher's personality that can distinguish the approach between teachers and students. In terms of professional competence, teachers at the Satria Jakarta Vocational High School have competence according to their respective fields. And finally, the communication competence of teachers at the Satria Jakarta Vocational High School in carrying out online learning continues to grow, and can be in line with gestalt learning theory and theory. Social Construction of Technology


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How to Cite
PRATAMA, Indra Mulya; SIMAMORA, Santa Lorita. Teacher Communication Competence in Teaching Through Online Process at Satria Jakarta Vocational School, 2021/2022 Academic Year. IJOBBA : International Journal of Bunga Bangsa Cirebon, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 2, p. 203-210, dec. 2022. Available at: <https://jurnal.uibbc.ac.id/index.php/ijobba/article/view/1250>. Date accessed: 06 jan. 2025.