The Influence Of Financial Learning Experience On Financial Behavior Mediated By Financial Literacy
The phenomena that have been described show that financial behavior is a very crucial problem for every individual, errors in making financial decisions can cause individual financial problems, including for State Middle School Teachers in Gegesik District, Cirebon Regency. If left unchecked, this problem will lead to poverty and can disrupt the welfare of Indonesian society. Reinforces through the results of his research that errors in financial management indicate an individual's poor or even poor financial health and can reduce the level of financial well-being experienced by a person. In other words, the more mistakes an individual makes in managing finances, the lower the individual's financial health. The importance of increasing financial literacy in high school cannot be separated from the role of teachers. Teachers are expected to be able to have a high level of financial literacy and high financial literacy has an impact on wise financial behavior. So far, there has not been much research on financial behavior among high school teachers. This research aims to measure financial behavior of financial behavior among State Middle School Teachers in Gegesik District, Cirebon Regency. The research method is a quantitative approach in this thesis to measure behavior, opinions/attitudes which can answer questions related to how much, often, when, or who. Quantitative research is used to test certain theories by examining the relationships between variables measured through instruments, so that data in the form of numbers can be analyzed according to procedural statistics. The result 1. Financial Learning Experience is included in the moderate or sufficient criteria; Financial Literacy is included in the medium criteria; and Financial Behavior is included in the medium criteria. 2. Financial Learning Experience has a positive effect on teacher Financial Behavior. This means that the higher the Financial Learning Experience, the teacher's Financial Behavior will increase. 3. Financial Literacy mediates the influence of Financial Learning Experience on teacher Financial Behavior. This means that Financial Learning Experience influences both directly and indirectly through Financial Literacy on teachers' Financial Behavior