Use Of Financial Technology As Digital Transformation In Government Companies In West Java Province
The growth of fintech development in Indonesia is increasingly rapid. The financial services company business sector must follow changes from developments in the digital era 4.0. Fintech developments provide ease of service in transactions carried out by customers from conventional to digital services. PT Pegadain strives to improve digital-based financial services Background of the Problem: The challenge of the development of Fintech is the emergence of other digital-based financial services companies. PT Pegadaian is carrying out a transformation and change in the paradigm of society from the lower middle segment to middle and higher educated ones by providing services using Digital Services and adding product services, namely saving gold digitally. On the digital transformation journey of PT. Pegadaian has problems with complaints from customers and employees, such as technical problems, failed transfers or system errors which cause delays in carrying out financial transactions. PT Pegadaian Bandung Region has a percentage of 11.12% which is the bottom 3 of other regional offices in Indonesia which have the lowest activity in using the Pegadaian Digital Service application. The use of the Pegadaian Digital Service application in all PT Pegadaian branches is 13.7% of total customers, referring to previous research that Word of Mouth influences the use of mobile banking, so the researchers consider it necessary to add this variable as a construction.Research gaps/Novelty: The formulation in this research is how PT Pegadaian Bandung Regional Office customers assess the UTAUT-2 and WOM model variables, how PE, EE, SI, Word of Mouth, and Trust influence