Principal Leadership In Improving Students' Creativity And Entrepreneurial Innovation
(Case Study at SMK HKTI 2 Purwareja Klampok Banjarnegara)
This research is motivated by the low creativity and entrepreneurial innovation of vocational high school students which has an impact on the lack of vocational high school graduates who become independent entrepreneurs/open new jobs. This is because entrepreneurship education in schools has so far only touched on the level of introducing norms or values, not yet at the level of internalization and real actions in everyday life. The purpose of this study is to determine, study and analyze the Principal's Leadership in improving Student Creativity and Entrepreneurial Innovation at SMK HKTI 2 Purwareja Klampok. The policy behind this research is the Regulation of the Minister of National Education Number 13 of 2007 concerning the Competency Standards of School/Madrasah Principals. This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach through observation, interview and documentation study techniques. The results of the study: 1) The Principal of SMK carries out the characteristics of transformational leadership, a high entrepreneurial ethos and can collaborate and mobilize school residents. 2) The Principal has implemented a strategy to improve the quality of graduates but it is not yet optimal. 3) There are obstacles for principals in improving student creativity, including learning methods and expertise competencies that are less relevant, teaching factories that are less effective, and lack of partnerships with the business world, industry, and the world of work. 4) There are solutions to improve student creativity and entrepreneurial innovation, namely improving teacher competence in implementing learning, designing curriculum and facilitating facilities and infrastructure according to business and industry standards, organizing teaching factories and collaborating with agencies, and training students to practice entrepreneurship directly and intensively. The conclusion of this study is that the Principal has made efforts to improve Student Creativity and Entrepreneurial Innovation through various programs in the fields of expertise that are held, but the results are not optimal