Fish Feeding Automation With Esp32 and Kodular Application Via RABBITMQ and MQTTX
In this study, we developed an automatic fish feeder connected to an IoT network using an ESP32 microcontroller, ESP32 is used to control the time and amount of fish feed based on a programmed schedule. Our system also uses the MQTT communication protocol for data transfer and remote device control, and RabbitMQ as a message broker to facilitate message exchange between devices and user applications. Our testing method involves setting up an Eras ESP32 device to connect a feed sensor and a servo motor that controls the feed mechanism. We implemented the control logic using the Arduino IDE programming language and connected the ESP32 to RabbitMQ using MQTTX as a link to the MQTT broker. Testing was carried out by simulating feeding conditions in a model aquarium and monitoring equipment performance and energy efficiency. The test results showed that the developed automatic fish feeder can effectively deliver food according to a specified schedule with minimal potential for error. The integration of RabbitMQ allows the system to perform reliable message processing and ensure consistent data delivery between the ESP32 device and the control application. The significance of this research is to expand the application of IoT technology in the context of pet care, improve the efficiency of resource utilization, and facilitate pet care users to care for fish automatically