Quality Assurance Implementation In Efforts To Improve The Quality Of Human Resources In Vocational High Schools
(Case Study at SMK Ma'arif 1 Kebumen, Central Java)
This study discusses the implementation of the concept of Quality Assurance (QA) at SMK Ma'arif 1 Kebumen. Because Quality Assurance (QA) is a concept or part of Total Quality Management (TQM) where the task and function is to guarantee quality in services carried out through a process both before and during the process with the intention of preventing failure from the beginning to the end of the process. standard compliance. This study uses a qualitative-descriptive method, while the analytical method used is interactive, namely the model. developed by Miles and Huberman. The results of this study indicate that in its implementation SMK Ma'arif 1 Kebumen is still guided by applicable government regulations, then adds several local regulations. Whereas in improving the quality of Human Resources, Ma'arif 1 Kebumen Vocational School makes two programmed activities, namely On The Job Training and Off The Job Training