Application of the Concept Mapping Type Cooperative Model In Improving Student Learning Outcomes On the Concept of Straight Motion in Class X MIPA-1 Al Qona'ah Baleendah High School, Bandung Regency
Application of the Concept Mapping Type Cooperative Model in Improving Student Learning Outcomes on the Concept of Straight Motion in Class X MIPA-1 Al Qona'ah Baleendah High School, Bandung Regency. The purpose of writing this classroom action research (PTK) is to apply the Concept Mapping type cooperative learning model to Straight Motion material. This classroom action research was carried out in three cycles with each cycle including four stages. The four stages are the planning stage, action implementation stage, observation stage, and reflection stage. The approach used in this research is quantitative with descriptive research type. The data collection technique in this research is qualitative data obtained from observations and quantitative data in the form of learning outcomes obtained from learning results tests for each cycle. The data analysis techniques used are descriptive analysis and inferential statistical analysis. The results of classroom action research show: that after giving action in cycle I, cycle II, and cycle III, classically, there was an increase in students' physics learning outcomes as seen from the percentage of learning completeness from 50% in cycle I, to 68.8% in cycle II and 100% in cycle III. This shows that the concept mapping type cooperative learning model used can improve students' physics learning outcomes