The Effect Of Implementing The Teaching Factory On Increasing Student Skill Competency With Learning Motivation As A Mediator Variable
Teaching Factory learning is a production/service based vocational school learning model that refers to standards and procedures that apply in industry and is carried out in an atmosphere similar to that which occurs in industry. Implementation of the Teaching Factory in Vocational Schools can bridge the competency gap between industry needs and the competencies produced by Vocational Schools. The implementation of the Teaching Factory must also involve the government, regional government and stakeholders in making regulations, planning, implementation and evaluation. In the educational process at vocational schools, DUDI's involvement in the learning process is very important, because technological developments and procedures/production processes/services are very rapid. The implementation of the Teaching Factory in Vocational Schools will encourage the development of mutually beneficial cooperation mechanisms between Vocational Schools and DUDI, so that Vocational Schools will always follow industrial/service developments automatically in technology transfer, managerial, curriculum development, industrial work and others. The research method is a quantitative approach in this research to measure behavior, opinions/attitudes which can answer questions related to how much, often, when, or who. The result is 1. The implementation of the Teaching Factory is included in the moderate or sufficient criteria; learning motivation is included in the medium criteria; and increasing student skill competency is included in the medium criteria. 2. The implementation of the Teaching Factory has a positive effect on increasing student skill competency. This means that the higher the implementation of the Teaching Factory, the greater the increase in student skill competency. 3. Learning motivation mediates the effect of implementing the Teaching Factory on increasing student skill competency. This means that the implementation of the Teaching Factory has a positive effect, both directly and through the mediation of learning motivation, on increasing student skill competency