The Influence Of The Discovery Learning Model On Students' Critical Thinking Ability With Learning Motivation As A Moderator
In reality, what happens in the field is the opposite of the expected situation, namely that the ability of junior high school students in Indonesia is low in terms of critical thinking, students have not been able to conclude information from a problem so that they get decisions that are not as appropriate as expected. This is proven in their research stating that students' overall critical thinking abilities are in the low category, because only 1 person can solve the questions when solving instrument questions. They tend to use less reliable evidence and less reasonable arguments. This is because the teaching and learning process carried out by teachers does not provide opportunities for students to actively participate and practice the material they have learned. This research was carried out using a quantitative approach with a quasi-experiment method. A quantitative approach is a series of methods for testing certain theories by examining the relationships between. The relationship between variables in this research is the discovery learning model as the independent variable and critical thinking ability as the dependent variable and learning motivation as the moderator variable. The research method used in this research is quasi experiment. The result is 1. There is an influence of the discovery learning model on critical thinking. Where students in classes that use the discovery learning model have higher critical thinking abilities compared to students in classes that use the lecture method. b2. There is an influence of learning motivation on critical thinking. In classes that use the discovery learning model, critical thinking skills are dominated by students who have strong learning motivation. Meanwhile, in classes that use the lecture method, increasing critical thinking skills is dominated by students who have a strong level of motivation. Overall, increasing critical thinking skills is very effective when used with the discovery learning model with strong motivation. 3. Thus, learning motivation moderates the influence of the discovery learning model on students' critical thinking abilities. This means that the level of student learning motivation has an influence on the level of positive influence of the discovery learning model on students' critical thinking abilities