This research discusses the implementation of the salam contract in increasing sales at the Putri Alesha Collection Cirebon Store. The background of this study is the existence of increasingly sophisticated technological media, buying and selling activities that can indirectly be carried out anywhere and anytime using gadgets or cellular phones. Buying and selling online has similarities with buying and selling orders called greetings. This study aims to determine the implementation of the salam contract at the Putri Alesha Collectoin Cirebon Store, to analyze how the salam contract can increase sales at the Putri Alesha Collection Cirebon Store, and find out what are the obstacles and how the solution is in carrying out the salam contract to be able to increase sales at the Putri Alesha Collection Cirebon store.This research is a type of qualitative research with a descriptive qualitative research type, and with a centralized interview research design. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques using interview techniques, observation, and documentation. The author uses source triangulation to check the validity of the data. The analysis technique used in this study is to use the Milles and Huberman model, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions. Furthermore, the implementation of the salam contract at the Putri Alesha Collection Cirebon Store is in accordance with the concept of the salam contract, including explaining product specifications, payment made in advance, and delivery according to the agreed time and place, with the existence of a salam contract in a sale and purchase transaction at the store. Putri Alesha Collection Cirebon transactions are more efficient and can increase sales as well as mutually beneficial for sellers and buyers. The delay in updating product availability as a delivery of product specifications for the salam contract is an obstacle in carrying out the salam contract to be able to increase sales at the Putri Alesha Collection Cirebon Store
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