The Influence of Islamic Work Ethic on the Welfare of Tempe Business Employees in Kedawung-Cirebon District
This study aims to determine the effect of Islamic work ethic on the welfare of tempeh business employees in Kedawung District. This research uses a quantitative approach. The sampling method used by researchers is total sampling or saturated sample, namely the sampling technique of the entire population used as a sample. The sample in this study were 26 tempe business employees in Kedawung District. The data were analyzed using validity test, reliability test, simple regression test, determination coefficient test and t test using SPSS Version 22. The results of the study showed that work ethic affects employee welfare. So in general, it shows that work ethic affects the welfare of tempeh business employees in Kedawung District, with an influence of 50.2%. The results of the study state that there is an influence of work ethic on the welfare of tempeh business employees in Kedawung District. This is evidenced by a number of work spirit assessments given by employees (respondents) who work in tempeh businesses in Kedawung District. This study has proven that the work ethic that has been given so far has proven to affect the welfare of employees. This research confirms that a good work ethic affects the welfare of employee