The Effect of the P4C Initiative on Primary School Students' Learning and Social Outcomes

  • Philip Clarkson Australian Catholic University, Australia
  • Michael Webster University of Auckland, New Zealand


Purpose: This study investigated its impact on reading comprehension, math interest, self-esteem, pro-social behavior, and emotional well-being. Methods: This study used a longitudinal time series quasi-experimental design involving an experimental group and a matched comparison group. Participants in this study were two hundred and eighty children (149 intervention group, 131 comparison group) from eight state primary schools in the Southeast Queensland region. The research sample consisted of 48% (n=135) girls and 52% (n=145) boys all in Grade 6 (with an age range of 10-12 years). Results: Results showed improvements in reading comprehension, decreased interest in mathematics and self-esteem, while pro-social behavior and emotional well-being remained unchanged among COI program participants compared to non-participants. Conclusion: The COI philosophical intervention found improvements in reading comprehension but reduced interest in mathematics and self-esteem, with no changes in pro-social behavior and emotional well-being in the Year 6 group of students compared to those who did not receive the COI intervention. The COI's philosophical focus primarily on language may have led to significant increases in reading comprehension over time and significant decreases in interest in mathematics among these Grade 6 participants. Pre-service teachers who aspire to become philosophical COI facilitators need to be encouraged to develop their ability to examine and identify the personal characteristics, beliefs and attitudes that influence the way they think about teaching and learning.


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How to Cite
CLARKSON, Philip; WEBSTER, Michael. The Effect of the P4C Initiative on Primary School Students' Learning and Social Outcomes. EduBase : Journal of Basic Education, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 1-12, mar. 2024. ISSN 2722-1520. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 feb. 2025. doi: