Quality Management Strengthening The Pancasila Student Profile In Improving The Character Of Elementary School Students Case Study Of Cipanas
This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach to collect relevant data, data collection techniques are obtained from observation, interviews and documentation. Technical data analysis uses Miles and Huberman, namely data analysis through reduction, data display and verification processes. The aim of this research is to find out the habituation strategies used by teachers in forming students' character in accordance with the characteristics of the Pancasila Student Profile and students are expected to understand the Pancasila student profile project as strengthening character education for students. The subjects of this research are teachers and students at Cipanas State Elementary School. . The variables of this research include: the role of the teacher, habituation of strategies carried out by the teacher and curriculum leadership. The results of data analysis by checking data from two different sources and analyzing the suitability of practice in the field concluded that the implementation of the independent curriculum in strengthening the Pancasila Student Profile was going well. The strategy carried out is able to develop the character of students who are religious and have noble morals in accordance with the main characteristics of the Pancasila Student Profile whose learning activities are project-based as part of developing their profile