Learning Community Management In Improving Literacy Competency Achievements In Educational Report Card At Sman 1 Karangtengah Cianjur
Learning Communities are one of the means used by educators and educational staff to develop themselves in improving the competencies they must have, with the ultimate aim of improving the quality of education. In order to achieve optimal educational reports, management or management of learning communities is one of the important things. to be implemented well. Management of the learning community to increase the literacy competency achievements of SMAN 1 Karangtengah education report cards has been carried out in accordance with the theoretical principles and applicable regulations, but there are still obstacles. Planning for the learning community at SMAN 1 Karangtengah Cianjur has been formed after going through several stages of planning activities starting from program needs analysis, coordination meetings for the formation of the learning community. The planning stage is prepared by the team and community administrators. Activity planning is outlined in the community work program which is equipped with an activity schedule, evaluation schedule, person in charge of the program, resource persons, etc. The Learning Community has a fairly complete organizational structure. Management is taken from various elements in the school, such as supervisor as supervisor, principal as person in charge, vice principal as chairman, and teachers as well as from administrative elements as secretary, treasurer, and sections in certain fields. The implementation of learning community activities is going quite well, many activities are programmed and scheduled regularly, such as training, discussions, seminars or disseminations, various good pro-actics, and special writing development programs to improve teachers' literacy competencies. Evaluation of learning community activities is carried out by SMAN 1 Karangtengah, evaluation is carried out every month through evaluation meetings which are attended by all elements of the community, both administrators and members