Implementation Of Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Profile Project Policy In Improving The Quality Of Education In Taman Gembira Kindergarten, Bandung City

  • Siti Sarah Nurhasanah Islamic University of Nusantara, Bandung
  • Dian Harliyani Islamic University of Nusantara, Bandung
  • Yusup Supriatna Islamic University of Nusantara, Bandung
  • Agus Mulyanto Islamic University of Nusantara, Bandung
  • Waska Warta Islamic University of Nusantara, Bandung


P5 or the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project is a cross-disciplinary project that is contextual and based on community needs or problems within the education unit. Therefore, with the existence of P5 in the Independent Curriculum, it is hoped that each individual student will have the character and abilities that are built in everyday life and revive within each student. Efforts to implement P5 in the Independent Curriculum can be carried out with various examples of implementation such as the culture of educational units, inter-curricular and extra-curricular learning. Taman Gembira Kindergarten in the city of Bandung is one of the schools that this year has carried out the implementation of P5 in the independent curriculum for the 2023/2024 academic year and has even been implemented in previous years. However, the lack of effectiveness of the application of P5 by teachers towards students so that holding IKM training by teacher representatives and being confirmed by government policies really helps the effectiveness of teacher understanding and its application to students. Therefore, the authors took research on "Policy Implementation of the Student Profile Strengthening Project Policy in Improving the Quality of Education in Taman Gembira Kindergarten". Researchers used a Qualitative Research Method with a Case Study Approach. Data Collection Techniques using three methods, namely Observation, Interview, and Documentation methods in the form of taking photos of activities, reading and studying documents, operational permits and other documents related to this research. Observation in this context is participatory observation, that is, the researcher is directly involved or takes part in the learning process


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How to Cite
NURHASANAH, Siti Sarah et al. Implementation Of Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Profile Project Policy In Improving The Quality Of Education In Taman Gembira Kindergarten, Bandung City. IJOBBA : International Journal of Bunga Bangsa Cirebon, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 21-25, june 2023. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 06 jan. 2025.