Hybrid Workshop 32 Hours Project Strengthening The Profile Of Pancasila Students In Early Childhood Education
P5 for the early childhood is one of efforts to develop comprehension and consciousness of the the values of Pancasila to the early childhood, and also to implement them in daily activities. P5 may support to create the generation which appreciate the variety of religions, traditions in society, accepting each others’ differences, comprehending and supporting one another, and surely still paying academic aspects at school. By adapting P5, it is not only the children hoped to be able to maintain their qualities as social human kind, but also the teachers are hoped to be able to comprehend and possess some skills as PAUD teachers in developing Pancasila characters to the early childhoood; to be able to maintain ability in planning studying activities which are interesting and also easy-learning for the early childhood in learning Pancasila; to be able to support developing Pancasila studying programs which are contextual and suitable with the early childhood’s needs and environments.