Implementation Of Academic Supervision In An Effort To Improve The Quality Of Learning In The Junior High School Education Unit
The research objectives were: 1) to know the implementation of academic supervision, 2) to know the techniques used in the implementation of academic supervision 3) to know the obstacles found in the implementation of academic supervision, 4) find solutions to the obstacles encountered.This academic supervision research was carried out at Ciparay 1 Public Middle School, Bandung Regency. This study uses a descriptive approach and uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques: observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The results of this study are: 1) Academic supervision is a routine activity carried out every semester, 2) Supervision techniques used are in the form of individual supervision and group supervision, 3) Obstacles in supervision activities, namely that supervision schedules are sometimes constrained by activities that coincide with school activities. 4) The solution that has been made is by diverting and creating a new schedule for teachers whose supervision schedule is constrained, besides that in order to improve the quality of their learning teachers are motivated to take part in technical training and coaching both carried out by schools and those carried out by the Education Office