Implementation Of Quality English Supervision In High Schools

  • Ristia Gustiana SMA Laboratorium School UPI
  • Yan Yan Yoga Permana Islamic University of Nusantara, Bandung
  • N Dede Khoeriah Islamic University of Nusantara, Bandung
  • Eva Dianawati Wasliman Islamic University of Nusantara, Bandung


Human is born without any knowledge, besides surely Allah SWT who has given knowledge to the humankind, the parents and the environment around them which are important roles in supplying knowledge to the human who has just known the outer world. Human is born and grown and raised need all knowledge. This research was completed to aim at supervising the growth of English in study to face globalization era and Studying Independently Curriculum in Laboratory School UPI Senior High School, Bandung and MAN 1 Bandung. The researcher used a qualitative method which in her research she gave questions to the Headmaster, English teacher and students in the class in questionnaire forms and direct interviews. The answers of those questions are compiled in narrative form. The results of the interviews with the Headmaster and the English teacher, gathered with answers from questionaires to the students, it seems that there are still many teachers' performances that must need developments which also need a long-term process in the future. The headmaster in the future is hoped to develop and maintain teachers' performances by conducting coaching, training, or seminars to create interesting studies that will be able to attract students' willingness so that the students will be more creative and spirited. The students also hope that they will be able to explore their abilities in all aspects of English literature, those are writing, listening, speaking and comprehension


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How to Cite
GUSTIANA, Ristia et al. Implementation Of Quality English Supervision In High Schools. IJOBBA : International Journal of Bunga Bangsa Cirebon, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 63-66, june 2023. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 06 jan. 2025.

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