Accreditation Management To Improve The Quality Of Education At Sdn Gadung, Karangtengah District, Cianjur Regency
School accreditation is a systematic, objective, and comprehensive assessment process of the quality of educational units. This assessment is carried out by an independent and professional accreditation body. The general objective of the study is to obtain an overview and analyze accreditation management in improving the quality of education at SDN Gadung, Karangtengah District, Cianjur. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach with a descriptive analytical method, a research method that functions to describe or provide an overview of an object being studied through analysis to make conclusions that apply to the public. The theoretical basis used is management according to Terry, management is understood as a process or can also be called a framework, which involves guidance/direction of a group of people towards organizational goals or real intentions with the management functions of planning, organizing, implementing and supervising. And accreditation according to Drs. I Gusti Agung Oka Yadenya, M.Pd, and Dwinita Apriyana Rangkuti. Meanwhile, the policy management is according to Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, Article 1 paragraph 22. The management of the implementation of accreditation to improve the quality of education at SDN Gadung, Karangtengah District, Cianjur Regency has been implemented in accordance with the applicable theoretical principles and provisions, but there are still obstacles so that the implementation of school accreditation is carried out in accordance with the planning so that it can improve the quality of education based on recommendations given by assessors based on the results of observations of all parties