Data-Based Education Unit Operational Curriculum Development Through Moving School Program In Kebumen District Indonesia
This paper describes the public policy of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and technology of the Republic of Indonesia, especially the Implementation of the Driving School Program at the District Level on the Preparation of the Operational Curriculum for Elementary School Education Units in Kebumen Regency, Central Java. This research is descriptive qualitative research by taking the research subject of the Learning Committee in education units selected to be participants in the Kemendikbudristek 2021 Motivating School Program (PSP) which have different levels of quality and have very different student characteristics and environments. The results showed that in the Preparation of the Education Unit Operational Curriculum, the members of this learning committee had to go through various stages of training and equalization of perceptions to be able to understand the concept, function, urgency, planning, implementation and monitoring, to evaluation. The preparation of the curriculum must be based on identification and observation as well as the involvement of all school members and their environment so that it can become a curriculum that can bridge the optimal potential and character of students according to the 6 (six) Pancasila Student Profiles